اما در ویندوز xp برنامه تعبیه شده بنام Windows Signature.به کمک این برنامه میتوان در مطمئن شد که آیا واقعا درایور مربوطه با ویندوز سازگار است یا نه؟

برای فعال سازس مراحل زیر را طی کنید:
به قسمت Start---Run بروید
درآن عبارت sigverif را تایپ کنید
گزینه Advance را انتخاب کنید
از زبانه search تیک Look for other files that are not digitally signed را بگزارید
مسیر C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers را در آن جستجو کنید
Once you know which drivers are unsigned, you can move the unsigned drivers to a backup folder. Now restart your computer and then test if the program or other functionality to see whether the same error messages or issues still occurs.
If the issue no longer occurs, the issue was caused by a third-party unsigned filter or function driver.
Note: If for some reason your computer doesn't starts or you receive an error message "At least one driver or service failed to start...", then you should move the drivers one by one to the drivers folder, to see which one of them caused the problem
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